Hello, welcome to my personal pages dedicated to favorite hobby, "Amateur Radio", but what is ?


Also known as a "Ham Radio", it is the use of the radio for the purpose of exchanging messages, experimentation, contest and also, when required by the authorities, for emergency communications, all without the use of mobile phones.


Experimentation is a not indifferent part of our hobby, mainly aimed at deepening a whole series of technical aspects. Personally, what attracts me most are the new transmission techniques, such as digital ones, and the propagation of radio waves.


These pages and the site itself are like a laboratory, alway under construction and I hope it will provide you with the information you may need or that will safety your curiosity.


It undoubtedly contains some errors or inaccuracies that I invide you to report contact me without problems.


Thanks for your visit, I hope you will find something interesting and useful on these pages.


Any comments are welcome !


Good Dx and best 73.